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  • Avoid using your real name as username.
  • Avoid using a photo of yourself for your profile picture.

Privacy and Transparency Practices


The Donor Participation Project follows the information-sharing practices below to keep the group at a high level of quality.

These practices came about after a discussion by the community about how to handle commercial interests in DPP speakers. You can read it here.

Current practices:

  • We do not share contact information with presenters
  • We only accept practicing fundraisers into the DPP discussion group
  • Presenters are not by default added to the discussion group, unless they are DPP group members that are presenting
  • We list the text below as a promise on the signup form:


The DPP is fortunate to host accomplished and knowledgeable speakers as well as volunteers in other roles. As a professional organization, we would like to show that we value people’s time and knowledge by providing some level of hospitality.

This practice was discussed by the DPP community here.

Some of our events may ask for an optional small fee to cover expenses such as hospitality costs for speakers and other volunteers.