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Donor Participation Project

Arts Fundraising: Run it Like a Business!

Join us for a special DPP session to meet with arts leader, entrepreneur, and advisor Aubrey Bergauer.

Her book “Run it Like a Business” reveals how to run a successful arts business in the post-pandemic era, adapting for-profit methods for not-for-profit goals.

In the US alone, the arts are a $763 billion sector whose 100,000+ organizations serve almost every community in the nation. There’s no reason arts organizations should struggle to make ends meet.

​Aubrey will join DPP for an honest conversation about:

  • ​Grow audiences and keep them coming back again
  • ​Make our organizations more inclusive
  • ​Get younger attendees in the seats and on the donor rolls
  • ​Generate millions more dollars in revenue
  • ​Continue to create the art we love—without the stress of figuring out how to afford it

Learn more about her new book here.

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