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Donor Participation Project

Automate Donor Thank Yous and Stewardship with Video

Saying thank you to donors in a timely and personalized manner is key to building long-term relationships. However, the reality at many nonprofits is that it can take weeks or even months to get those thank you letters out the door. The solution? Automate your thank you process using video and text messaging.

Video thank you messages are an engaging way to make a personal connection with donors while saving your staff time. With a video messaging service like ThankView, you can upload a list of donor names and gift details. The platform will automatically generate custom videos thanking each donor by name and recognizing their specific gift amount. These videos can then be delivered via email, using the donor’s preferred contact method on file.

The ability to customize video at scale is a game changer. Your leadership, board members, or student scholarship recipients can record a thank you message once, and the platform will customize names and details for each recipient. Donors open and engage with these authentic, personalized video messages at high rates, allowing you to make a meaningful connection within days of a gift.

Once a donor receives their initial thank you, the next touchpoint in the stewardship sequence can also be automated based on their actions and engagement. For example, you can trigger a follow-up phone call from a gift officer or schedule a thank you card in the mail if a donor watches their whole video message. Use a service like Zapier to connect your fundraising tools and automate these multi-channel donor experiences.

Automating donor thank yous and stewardship allows you to provide a best-in-class donor experience with less manual effort. While video and technology can never replace in-person interactions, they allow you to scale your impact and free up your team to focus on building deeper relationships with your most engaged supporters. With the right tools and workflows in place, you can ensure all donors receive a prompt, personalized thank you and feel valued at every step of their journey with your organization.

View the full recording of this session in ourĀ Resource Library.

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