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Donor Participation Project

Creating Opportunity and Transforming Lives: How Norwescap Supports Low-Income Families

Norwescap is a New Jersey nonprofit that has worked for 56 years to provide vital services for people with low incomes. Their mission is to meet people where they are and help them build a path to a stable, thriving life.

Norwescap supports over 30,000 people each year through programs like affordable housing, education, job training, healthcare access, and emergency food and shelter. While some of their work is funded by government contracts, private donations allow them to provide critical programs like their food bank, which distributed over 2.1 million meals last year. Donations also allow Norwescap to be responsive to emerging needs and support people who fall through the cracks of government aid.

Last year, Norwescap launched a new “engagement partner” program to provide tailored support for each participant. When a parent enrolls their child in Head Start, an engagement partner works with them to assess all their needs and connect them to relevant Norwescap programs. For example, the family may need energy assistance for their home, job training for the parent, scholarships for the children, or a matched-savings program. Thousands of participants achieved more life goals last year through this personalized approach, made possible by private donors.

Norwescap’s chief development officer Heather Thompson has worked in nonprofit development for 20 years. She says, “It’s inspiring when people give because they want to make a positive change. Philanthropy is about connecting donors who want to do good with nonprofits that are doing good work.” By partnering with donors, Norwescap is moving the needle on issues like poverty, education equity, and economic mobility.

Norwescap’s holistic, community-based approach transforms lives in New Jersey each day. With the support of donors, nonprofits like Norwescap are creating a future of equal opportunity for all. Fundraisers should share nonprofit success stories to show donors the impact of direct services and systems change. By articulating a vision of lasting solutions, nonprofits can build partnerships with donors to empower communities.

View the full recording of this session in ourĀ Resource Library.

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