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Donor Participation Project

Find the Questions Your Donors Ask Repeatedly

Your donors ask questions—lots of them. The problem is, many nonprofits don’t have a system to capture these questions, analyze them for insights, and turn them into useful content. Questions your donors ask repeatedly point to gaps in the information you’re providing. Fill those gaps, and you’ll strengthen relationships, build trust, and enable donors to become more engaged and impactful partners in your mission.

So where do you find the questions your donors ask again and again?

  • Start with your direct communication channels like phone, email, and social media messages.
  • Survey frontline staff who talk to donors often. They know better than anyone else what questions get asked daily.
  • Monitor online communities and groups where your donors and potential donors connect. Look for themes and trends in the information people are seeking.
  • Conduct user experience testing to identify points of frustration in interacting with your organization. The questions that arise here highlight opportunities to better orient donors.

The key is getting into the mindset of your donors and what they need to understand their relationship with you fully. This means analyzing each question to understand the underlying concern or gap in knowledge. Some questions may be straightforward, but others point to bigger issues with how you educate and engage your community.

Don’t dismiss any question as too simple or unimportant. A question that seems basic to you may be a barrier for someone else to donate or get involved.

Low-quality, homemade videos addressing the most common questions are perfect for nonprofit audiences. They convey authenticity, build connection, and show you understand donors’ needs.

Keep your answers concise and let people self-select the information they need. Capture and organize the questions you get to refine your content over time. As donors learn and engage more deeply, the questions they ask will evolve. Continually go back to the source—your donors—to make sure the information you provide is as insight-driven and impactful as possible.

Staying on top of the questions your donors ask again and again is a key way to build relationships, increase trust, and empower your mission.

View the full recording of this session in our Resource Library.

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