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Donor Participation Project

Meaningful Fundraising: A Bridge Between Donors and the Mission

The ARP Foundation works to eradicate senior poverty and help vulnerable older Americans live more meaningful lives. According to its President, the keys to the nonprofit’s fundraising success are building strong donor relationships and aligning donations with the organization’s mission.

“Fundraising development philanthropy is a numbers game,” he said. “You need to have a good pipeline full of donors and prospects, qualify them well, and be in front of them. Nothing substitutes for in-person conversations when possible.” However, it’s not just about the numbers. “Make sure you become a bridge builder between what the donor wants to do with their philanthropy and the message and mission of your organization,” he added.

The ARP Foundation provides that bridge. With programs supporting income, housing, healthcare, and social connection, the organization positively impacts hundreds of thousands of seniors. “Every gift to ARP Foundation can bring about transformational change in America,” its President said. Donors’ contributions allow the nonprofit to fight senior poverty, help older adults save money and access additional benefits, and strengthen the broader economy.

For nonprofit fundraisers seeking to build meaningful donor relationships, the key is aligning donor interests with organizational goals. “If you can accomplish being a bridge builder between those two horizons—the hopes of donors and the mission of your cause—the potential for prosperity and philanthropy is immense,” the President explained. Fundraisers must communicate their organization’s vision while also understanding donors’ motivations. With a shared goal, donors become partners in creating change.

While fundraising is challenging, the ARP Foundation’s success demonstrates the rewards of relationship-building and helping donors achieve their philanthropic aims. By serving as a conduit between donor passions and real-world impact, nonprofits can gain the support necessary to fulfill their purpose. The keys are persistence, communication, and trust that donors and organizations working in harmony can transform lives.

View the full recording of this session in our Resource Library.

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