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Donor Participation Project

The Beginner’s Guide to Airtable: How to Use This Flexible Project Management Tool

Airtable is a user-friendly database platform that provides a powerful alternative to spreadsheets. For nonprofit fundraisers managing complex projects and events, Airtable can be a game-changer. This accessible tool allows you to organize all your important information in one place, automate repetitive tasks, and create customized dashboards to gain useful insights.

  1. To get started with Airtable, create a free account and set up your first base, which is similar to a spreadsheet or database.

Airtable offers many template options, including project management templates that provide a ready-made framework for organizing your work. You can also build your base from scratch by adding tabs, called tables, and customizing the fields. Each table can link to other tables, enabling you to connect records and gain a high-level view of your project.

2. Once your base is set up, you can create views to visualize your data in different ways, like calendars, timelines, and Kanban boards.

For a fundraising event, you might create views to track speaker details, venue logistics, and marketing tasks. Airtable’s automation features can save hours of work. You can set up triggers to automatically notify your team when an action occurs or have Airtable send email updates to stakeholders. For instance, automatically email speakers a week before their session with event details.

3. To maximize Airtable, take time to determine what information you need and how your team will use it.

Build your base collaboratively, starting simple and evolving it over time based on feedback. With some basic training, your whole team can start contributing right away. And if you get stuck, Airtable offers many resources to help you become an expert builder.

For nonprofits looking to work smarter, not harder, Airtable provides an easy-to-use solution for organizing your projects and unlocking valuable insights into your work. This flexible tool puts customization and automation at your fingertips so you can focus on what matters most: your mission and community.

View the full recording of this session in ourĀ Resource Library.

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