Complete your Profile

  • Avoid using your real name as username.
  • Avoid using a photo of yourself for your profile picture.

annabananna | Reputations

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November 29, 2022 10
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[Resources] LinkedIn for Fundraisers

Hi all! At this link, find two LinkedIn resources right at the top: LinkedIn Starter Kit--no email required Upgrade Your LinkedIn Presence--5 step email course...

November 29, 2022 5
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October 6, 2022 10
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Planned Giving Mailings

Hi there. I don't have an actual number in mind, but I would say "not enough" no matter how often you mail. Those mailings are so lucrative!

October 5, 2022 5
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September 27, 2022 10
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September 26, 2022 10
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September 25, 2022 10
Asked a question
1:1 donor outreach: how do you ensure this doesn’t slip through the cracks?

I’m curious about how folks manage their time for 1:1 donor outreach. Especially for folks who tend to procrastinate or have management responsibilities—how do you make sure it happens? Do you use...

September 24, 2022 2
Commented on a post

I love this question!! It’s a series of customized automated emails that go out after a donor makes a gift (could be focused on first time donors, but not always). The goal is to express gratitude,...

September 24, 2022 2
Commented on a post

Love the idea of texting!

September 24, 2022 2
Commented on a post

BTS would be so cute! I’ll ask my events staff for that. I’m sure they need another thing to do. 🙂

September 24, 2022 2
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September 24, 2022 10
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September 24, 2022 10
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How do you ensure your fundraising campaigns are accessible?

I’d love to hear how folks are updating their fundraising and engagement with neurodivergent constituents in mind. Does anyone have experience in this realm or a resource to share?

September 24, 2022 5
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Should I launch a newsletter for our org on LinkedIn?

If you already have the content and can repurpose it with a few little tweaks, that sweetens the deal. If you’re creating original content just for a LI newsletter, hmmm, depends on staffing resources!

September 24, 2022 5
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September 18, 2022 10
Received an upvote
September 18, 2022 10
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Consecutive giving recognition

I’m here for this question as well! Consecutive/# of years of giving is one of my top indicators when I’m looking at major gift potential. We do a good job w first time donors. (Phone calls& notes...

September 18, 2022 5
Asked a question
Ideas on post-campaign-kickoff outreach to non-attendees

Noticing a critical mass of leadership donors aren’t able to attend our upcoming campaign kickoff due to a conflict, travel, whatever. I’m in the market for ideas on how to make them feel the love...

September 18, 2022 2
September 18, 2022 10