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developerp | Reputations

Posted an answer
Ask string resources?

This one from The Agitator is pretty comprehensive: I would also check NextAfter’s experiments (search...

August 30, 2024 5
Asked a question
Ask string resources?

What are some good resources for fundraising ask strings? Or ask ladders, or whatever you call them…

August 30, 2024 2
Asked a question
Growth of DAFs driven by donor privacy concerns?

Do you have a sense that the growth of Donor-Advised Funds (DAFs) is driven by donor's privacy concerns? Or something else?

August 23, 2024 2
Received an upvote
June 3, 2024 10
Asked a question
Fundraiser Salary Benchmarking

Hi DPP community! Does anyone know of any good salary benchmarking reports for fundraisers?

June 3, 2024 2
Asked a question
Work from home annual giving position

Director Annual Giving (Work from Home) at Geisinger

February 6, 2024 2
Asked a question
How did your year-end go?

How did your year-end go? Share numbers if you're comfortable or just general direction: dollars up/down, donors up/down, or "don't know yet."

December 31, 2023 2
Asked a question
Ask a Data Scientist...

Question for Tim Paris, CEO of Dataro: Are there any data points that help predict when donors might consider making a donor-advised fund, major, and planned gift? Answer from Tim: There are many data...

December 25, 2023 2
Asked a question
Does your organization have a DEI policy?

Does your organization have a DEI policy statement? Would you be willing to share it?

December 5, 2023 2
Asked a question
Job: Shriners Children’s - Director of Philanthropy (Pasadena, CA)

Connect with DPP member Alexa Barajas if you have any questions! Seeking an enthusiastic Director of Philanthropy in beautiful Pasadena, California. At Shriners Children’s, we pride ourselves on respect,...

November 1, 2023 2
Asked a question
Job: Mount St. Mary's University - Development Associate

DPP member Kevin Barry is sharing this job opening on his team. Reach out to him on LinkedIn if you have any questions about the position.

October 4, 2023 2
Received an upvote
September 28, 2023 10
Asked a question
AI / ChatGPT Training

Recommended by DPP member Spring Velazquez: Link for our rescheduled event here Here is a blog post about our home grown SCRIBE method of Prompt Engineering A whitepaper that provides a technical overview...

September 20, 2023 2
Received an upvote
September 19, 2023 10
Received a down vote
August 28, 2023 -2
Received a down vote
August 24, 2023 -2
Asked a question
ChatGPT prompts for grant writing?

Does anyone here have good ChatGPT prompts for grant writing?

August 12, 2023 2
Asked a question
Soliciting wealthy donors - how to think about it

A DPP member shared this video. Have you felt uncomfortable interacting with donors who are sometimes much wealthier than you are?

August 7, 2023 2
Posted an answer
Idea for DPP session

Would love this! - Would any users of the platforms mentioned above (Videoask, Gratavid, Causevid) be willing to join a conversation?

July 31, 2023 5
Asked a question
Idea for DPP session

How did you pick Videoask over a platform like Gravyty? I’m considering some sort of platform like this for our donor outreach and I’ve never heard about Videoask before. Could be a good DPP workshop...

July 31, 2023 2
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