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Olivia11 | Reputations

Received an upvote
November 30, 2022 10
Posted an answer
Fundraiser Salaries in USA

I think also has salary information including average, highest earning, lowest earning, etc.

November 30, 2022 5
Posted an answer
How was Giving Tuesday?

I came on here to ask the exact same thing! In terms of performance, we were down dollars and pledges. We had a more robust page including three target designations (Food, Mental Health, and Wellness resources,)...

November 30, 2022 5
Posted an answer
1 DPP scholarship for Donor Visits 2.0 course!

Anne seems to have some expertise! I'd love to join.

October 24, 2022 5
Asked a question
Ideas to Recruit Giving Tuesday Student Ambassadors?

For Giving Tuesday this year I'm focusing on having a peer-to-peer fundraising campaign for students to build support for and around their favorite on-campus student support program. This could include...

October 10, 2022 2
Commented on a post

Since asking this question I have done some digging! I was able to find a great website that has a TON of resources, including a section called "Including People with Disabilities in Nonprofits and Foundations:...

September 26, 2022 2
Received an upvote
September 19, 2022 10
Posted an answer
Ideas on post-campaign-kickoff outreach to non-attendees

Have you thought of making a "we missed you!" video? Could be a culmination of all the event activities that they missed so they can feel like they participated without physically being there? Also, I've...

September 19, 2022 5
Asked a question
How do you ensure your fundraising campaigns are accessible?

As technology continues to evolve donor participation, we can frequently forget that our messaging should be easily accessible to all audiences. I've done some basic research on how to make fundraising...

September 19, 2022 2