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samstewardship | Reputations

Asked a question
Donor Touchpoints & Ratios

Does anyone have research or best practices around what counts as a donor touchpoint and the ratio of touchpoints between asks? For context, I work in higher ed and am trying to communicate with senior...

April 29, 2023 2
Asked a question
Donor Milestones

If you recognize donor anniversary milestones, how are you calculating the milestone: Consecutive years of giving Total fiscal years of giving Something else? Also, any research or insights on...

February 3, 2023 2
Received an upvote
November 29, 2022 10
Asked a question
Advancement databases

Does anyone have experience or opinions about the Advancement capabilities of Slate? My organization is converting databases (reviewing Ellucian, salesforce, NXT, and Slate). I am the least familiar...

November 11, 2022 2
Asked a question
Thankview Tips

My organization is about to onboard Thankview, primarily as a new tool for stewardship. Do you have any best practices regarding who in your organization has access to send a Thankview? Also, my initial...

October 27, 2022 2
Commented on a post

I'm evaluating our strategy. My org. currently doesn't have a robust loyalty recognition program. I'm unsure if the dollar-based program (currently acknowledged at $1500, $5000, and $10,000) is effective...

October 21, 2022 2
Asked a question
Ending Dollar Based Giving Society

Has anyone personally or know of an organization that has ended a Giving Society based on dollar amounts ($1500, $5000, etc) and moved only to recognition of consecutive years of giving? I am considering...

October 21, 2022 2
Commented on a post

My institution has historically tried to get every student who receives an endowed scholarship to write a thank you note to their donor. The project is personalized and meaningful but also labor-intensive...

October 11, 2022 2
Asked a question
Scholarship Thank You Note Process

Is anyone currently running a thank you note campaign for endowed scholarship recipients that works well? I would love to chat about this.

October 7, 2022 2