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Your Best Donors Might Surprise You: Planned Giving Insights

Some of your most loyal donors may end up leaving your nonprofit the largest gifts of all—through their estate plans. Planned giving, while often associated more with major donors, is actually an opportunity that can include donors at all levels.

Ann Kolakowski, philanthropic planning strategist, says “anyone can make a planned gift.” She advises nonprofit fundraisers not to make assumptions about who might leave a legacy gift based on factors like lifetime giving amounts or demographics. Your planned giving prospects could be that quiet, long-time supporter who gives small amounts annually, a devoted volunteer, or an alumnus with a lifetime of involvement with your organization.

The key is to start marketing planned giving opportunities early and consistently to build familiarity and comfort.

Tran suggests “sneaking that message in everywhere”—in email signatures, on donation forms, in publications, and on social media. While the return on investment may not be immediate, planting the seed about legacy gifts being an option leads to greater lifetime giving and larger bequests over time.

Pay extra attention to donors in their 50s and older, as they are entering a life stage when estate planning rises in importance.

However, don’t assume younger donors aren’t also interested in legacy gifts. And once donors inform you they’ve put you in their will or named you as a beneficiary, don’t go silent in your outreach. According to Russell James, expert on baby boomer giving, “charities are exponential beneficiaries” when they stay engaged with donors after they’ve made planned gift commitments.

Building authentic relationships with your donors, no matter their lifetime giving amounts, is key. Make them feel like stars by inviting them to special events, sending personalized notes, and sharing stories of impact. You never know which of your supporters may have the means and passion to leave a transformative gift. But if you consistently communicate the opportunity, that life-changing legacy gift has a greater chance of coming through your door.

View the full recording of this session in our Resource Library.

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