Annual Giving Colleagues –

We recognize the power of our network and the ability to share across our industry. With that in mind, we created a survey that we hope annual giving teams can use to provide insights into trends. The goal of the survey is to collect a few key performance indicators and some demographic information about your institution while remaining anonymous.

The survey will be open until January 31. We will share the survey results with those participating by February 8th. Results will be provided in a raw export of the data.

Please consider submitting the survey here: https://ncsu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_5tf7qhsBJoIdFD8.

Thanks in advance.

Howard Heevner, University of California, Berkeley

Adam Bradley, University of Michigan

Colin Hennessy, University of Iowa

Adam Compton, NC State University

agcompto Asked question January 7, 2023