Hi everyone!
I have a question about Planned Giving mail. We send several Planned Giving mailings a year allowing donors to inquire about Planned Giving products. Some of our mailings include donor testimonials while other mailings are intended to educate donors on ways to give (wills, trusts, and/or financial accounts). In return, donors inquire about ways to give and it allows an opportunity for personalized follow-up.
I’m curious about mail frequency. How many standalone Planned Giving mailings are included in your communication calendars? Are you planning to increase or decrease the number of mailings for the next fiscal year?
Honestly, I wish planned giving and annual giving professionals were better partners in planned giving marketing campaigns because organizations could communicate a lot more about planned giving avenues. Times like national make-a-will month and calendar year-end (for IRA distribution rollovers and DAFs) would be great times to test partnering with annual giving to increase planned giving communications to educate more donors about these options for giving.