I’ve been pondering this thought all day today, but has anyone in the fundraising industry ever tried sending gift stewardship communications (e.g. impact reports or gift fund reports) to their non-donor population? I understand why it is important that we send these types of communications to active donors, but those are people who already showed their trust in our organization. Would a report showcasing how we were good stewards of donor contributions help to convince a nondonor to donate?
I’m thinking of this from a feedback loop perspective. The idea being that if you do a certain behavior and have a quick feedback loop (i.e. see impact quickly) then you’ll be more motivated to keep doing the behavior.
Intuitively, I would imagine this will work for your lapsed donors but not so much for non-donors.
Moving non-donors into donors seems to be a problem more related to engagement & trust.
This does inspire some really cool ideas, though:
* Having a counter on the top of the giving page or as a popup that says “XX students helped in the last 7 days.”
* (This one is not new.) Doing an impact report for leadership annual donors.
* Developing a gift impact dashboard that you share every month