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Donor Participation Project

Starting from the End: Purdue’s Approach to Transformational Gifts (3/2/2022)

This session has passed. Join the Donor Participation Project to get access to our resource library with session recordings, member chat, and other benefits.

The Purdue Optimizes Development Support (PODS) concept is designed to optimize operational support with an end goal of maximizing our revenue generating potential at Purdue. Through the PODS, the Purdue for Life Foundation is creating a culture of shared purposes and responsibilities, while acknowledging the independencies that produce fundraising success.

Join John Dinkens, Michele Miller, and Amber Turner in a discussion about the A (acquisition), B (building), C’s (customization)—and D (data-driven decisions)—and how they use them within and across their departments and to effectively collaborate and increase Purdue’s ability to raise money.

About: The Donor Participation Project (DPP) convenes fundraising professionals who are concerned about the nationwide decline in donor participation (20 million US households lost between 2000-2016). 

We believe this can be solved by changing our fundraising practices and want to learn from peers who are moving the participation needle.

Discuss this Topic and Learn with Your Colleagues During our March 2 Lunch Analysis

  • This event will take place over Zoom.
  • The session will be recorded and accessible post-event for DPP members only.