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Donor Participation Project

Why People Give: Fundraising Recommendations from Behavioral Science by Russell James, Ph.D. (1/19/2022)

This session has passed. DPP members can access a video recording, slides, and other materials shared by the presenter. We also hold a small group discussion the week after every presentation for further discussion and networking! Sign up here to get access.

In this session we will review some findings from experimental research and see how this can apply to effective communications in fundraising.  Beyond just gleaning a few tips and tricks, we will discuss how these findings reflect underlying realities about the process of charitable decision making.

Russell James, J.D., Ph.D., CFP® is a chaired professor in the Department of Personal Financial Planning at Texas Tech University where he directs the on-campus and online graduate program in Charitable Financial Planning (planned giving) and also teaches a graduate course in behavioral finance.  Prior to his academic career he worked in planned gifts fundraising and then major gifts fundraising for 11 years.

About: The Donor Participation Project (DPP) convenes fundraising professionals who are concerned about the nationwide decline in donor participation (20 million US households lost between 2000-2016). 

We believe this can be solved by changing our fundraising practices and want to learn from peers who are moving the participation needle.

Discuss this Topic and Learn with Your Colleagues During our January 19 Lunch Analysis

  • Check out Russell’s four recent books: 1) , 2) , 3) , and 4)
  • This event will take place over Zoom.
  • The session will be recorded and accessible post-event for DPP members only.

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