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Donor Participation Project

New Marketing Realities for Nonprofits with Mark Schaefer (2/16/22)

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We are privileged to welcome Mark Schaefer as the facilitator for this month’s Lunch Analysis.

Mark is a globally-recognized author, speaker, podcaster, and business consultant. He is a prolific writer and speaker whose work sits at the intersection of marketing, technology, and humanity. He has advanced degrees in marketing and organizational development, holds seven patents, and is a faculty member of the graduate studies program at Rutgers University.

He is the best-selling author of nine popular books including the
very first book on influence marketing. His blog, GROW, and podcast “The Marketing Companion” are ranked among the top-rated publications in the marketing field. His clients range from successful start-ups to global brands such as Adidas, Johnson & Johnson, Dell, The U.S. Air Force, and the UK Government. And he has appeared on media channels such as CNN, The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times and CBS News.

In this session, Mark will guide us through his research on where marketing is headed and how his findings in his books Cumulative Advantage and Marketing Rebellion apply to the nonprofit sector.

About: The Donor Participation Project (DPP) convenes fundraising professionals who are concerned about the nationwide decline in donor participation (20 million US households lost between 2000-2016). 

We believe this can be solved by changing our fundraising practices and want to learn from peers who are moving the participation needle.

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