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Donor Participation Project

Manage Complex Projects with Airtable by Jaemi Loeb (11/17/2021)

This session has passed. DPP members can access a video recording, slides, and other materials shared by the presenter. We also hold a small group discussion the week after every presentation for further discussion and networking! Sign up here to get access.

We are honored to feature DPP member Jaemi Loeb, Senior Director of Cultural Arts at the JCC of Metro Detroit, in a demonstration of how she manages complex fundraising projects using the popular no-code tool Airtable.

Dr. Loeb is a long-time arts entrepreneur and tech enthusiast, which has made her obsession with efficiency and information quality seem like a job skill. Airtable’s powerful automation, data visualization, and integration tools make it one of the best databases on the market. But, it’s most powerful feature is that it is shockingly easy to use.

About: The Donor Participation Project (DPP) convenes fundraising professionals who are concerned about the nationwide decline in donor participation (20 million US households lost between 2000-2016). 

We believe this can be solved by changing our fundraising practices and want to learn from peers who are moving the participation needle.

Discuss this Topic and Learn with Your Colleagues During our November 17 Lunch Analysis

  • Strongly suggested pre-viewing from Jaemi: Airtable’s YouTube channel
  • This event will take place over Zoom.
  • The session will be recorded and accessible post-event for DPP members only.

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